Thursday, April 3, 2008

My most valuable thing...

Six months ago, I had many change about my life. I was professional dancer. I got hurt my legs during dance. These days i can't dance anymore. so I felt frustrated and my dream has been shattered. One day my mother told to me that you are not a woman to be daunted by a single failure. I already knew this means. because My mother had uterine cancer. My mother's difficult operation was failed. so She have to live a handicapped person for life. but She overcome a difficulty. She always wear a smile. so I respect her. My mother and i know that we enjoy our life. so I have to choose another goal. so I was choose what my graduate university major was sport medicine. because I want that i will treat a sick people like me. My major is very difficult to me. because I have to know by heart about medicine diction. but I have never regretted choose sport medicine. I will effort about my major. so I hope that i will become famous sport doctor. I don't know your goals. but I already knew that If we always effort, Dream is carried out.



Klaudia'S timE! said...

snnY im very very happy because we are living in the same building haha its so fun we are in the same school, same clases you're always my partner haha this is the destinatioN! hahaha i love u sunny and im very eciting for the the dinner!!! hahaha

Klaudia'S timE! said...

hey sunny im really impress because i think you are a really good student so if i need help im my final exam i will go to you and ask for some help hehe ...

hinojosa ca said...

Hi Sunny, I really sorry that you couldn't to be professional dancer, but I really belive that you can do everything do you want.
God luck

Roman said...
This is adress of my terrible blog)

hinojosa ca said...

hi Sunny, I really wish that your Mom is going to be ok.

Marcy said...

Sunny I really think you are an amazing person with so much passion and love to give. you are always optimistic and have a smile on your face. I wish all my students were as hard working as you. You making teaching easy. Good luck and make sure to keep in touch! We can have lunch sometime. And remember if you need help for anything, just email.
I will always remember you!