Wednesday, April 2, 2008



I don't know the true sense about love. but i knew clearly that love is very difficult. My boyfriend and I have similar character. Sometimes We are know a lot of without talking with each other. So i feel at ease. Two weeks ago, we had some problems. but I 'm ok now. Because he and i spoke from one's heart. so I know more skillfully than fast about his mind. I hope that he have to know my mind like me. I belive that he has magnanimous and pure in heart. so he will try to know my mind. also, If i have problem with Bill, I am going to frank with Bill.

Someone told me that All's fair in love and war.
Do you agree? In my opinion, I agree. because We sometimes need to give up something when we love each other. but we have to effort for having love. If you are falling in love, I hope that you have to keep your love. Your love will bring big power for you. Don't fogot. Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.


hinojosa ca said...

Hi sunny, I want to say that I'm in love too and it is the best thing in my life.

Klaudia'S timE! said...

aWwwW! soOO sweet!!! all the time i think you and bill are the perfect couple...

you know love is the best thing on the world we can feel the love in diferent meanings like to your family, boyfriend your pet etc depence the time , the place, and the person.
with the love we can feel many kinds of things and feelings that the reason because i saied the love is everything! hehe enjoY! is the best thing on the world! love U suNny!!! :D