Thursday, April 3, 2008

My most valuable thing...

Six months ago, I had many change about my life. I was professional dancer. I got hurt my legs during dance. These days i can't dance anymore. so I felt frustrated and my dream has been shattered. One day my mother told to me that you are not a woman to be daunted by a single failure. I already knew this means. because My mother had uterine cancer. My mother's difficult operation was failed. so She have to live a handicapped person for life. but She overcome a difficulty. She always wear a smile. so I respect her. My mother and i know that we enjoy our life. so I have to choose another goal. so I was choose what my graduate university major was sport medicine. because I want that i will treat a sick people like me. My major is very difficult to me. because I have to know by heart about medicine diction. but I have never regretted choose sport medicine. I will effort about my major. so I hope that i will become famous sport doctor. I don't know your goals. but I already knew that If we always effort, Dream is carried out.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008



I don't know the true sense about love. but i knew clearly that love is very difficult. My boyfriend and I have similar character. Sometimes We are know a lot of without talking with each other. So i feel at ease. Two weeks ago, we had some problems. but I 'm ok now. Because he and i spoke from one's heart. so I know more skillfully than fast about his mind. I hope that he have to know my mind like me. I belive that he has magnanimous and pure in heart. so he will try to know my mind. also, If i have problem with Bill, I am going to frank with Bill.

Someone told me that All's fair in love and war.
Do you agree? In my opinion, I agree. because We sometimes need to give up something when we love each other. but we have to effort for having love. If you are falling in love, I hope that you have to keep your love. Your love will bring big power for you. Don't fogot. Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop.

" We had the big party "

Last Thursday, My speaking class had party with cody's class . Because Japanese friend have to leave their contry. So, we had specially party. First, we became the famous person at our lunch. I choose Jescica Alba. because i feel that her performance is amazing in her movie. I like Jescica Alba more than other actor. Second, we prepared what we made salad, cookie, sushi, and bun... we devoted oneself to our food. I think, The party was very good. because speaking calss's topic always determined but during party, we could talk privately. My Japanese friend told me what i had good experience about one month with you. thanks sunny and my good friends. I think that they were afraid of everything about Calgary. Two months ago, I were afraid of everything about Calgary. because i can't speaking english very well. I know their mind. They come back Japan last saturday. I think that they will do their best like me. chin up~~!! MY FRIENDS. I will don't forgot my friends.