Sunday, March 2, 2008

What is happiness for you?

-What do you think about happiness?

The rich people are not always happy. If I do something better
than another, Is it happiness? There are different ways to happiness.
I think, Nothing is so valuable as my family and my bestfriend and bill. They are most important happiness for me. They give vigor to me when I was depressed by something and got stress. Their advice gave to me a lot of courage. then, Never had I realized my happiness more keenly than at that time. I have nothing to weigh on my mind now.
That is the very happiness I want. I want you should not want so much about happiness. I think, Even little happiness is happiness,
and I hope your happiness comes true. If we regulate one's desires,
we will find our better happiness. also, I will exert all possible efforts.


Marcy said...

You are a very deep thinker Sunny and I think similarly to you about happiness. We need to be optimistic about everything.

Cute picture!

Kristi said...

I totally agree with you Sunny! It's one of the most important things in life. I try to surround myself with people that make me happy! Thank you for bringing sunshine into my life :)

P.S. I just sent you the picture you asked for.

Margarita said...

Sunny: really your blog is Wonderful. I think that quality life include personal value, strong custom family, good friends, if you have balance and stability you has prosperity, and money is part of the prosperity.